Tuesday, August 16, 2016

#538 Constitutional Process

General Election

As per the Constitution of United States, each citizen needs to cast three votes and elect three Presidential Electors by ballots. When citizens walk into voting center on November 8, 2016, three ballots will be given to each citizen. Here is the list of votes:

  • One vote to elect the Elector of Congressional District
  • One vote to elect the Elector of the State One
  • One vote to elect the Elector of the State Two

The ballots will have names of the Electors only. The ballots will not have the name of any Presidential Candidate or the name of the Vice-Presidential Candidate.

In the General Election, Citizens of the United States elect only the Presidential Electors.

Once the General Election is over, each state will announce result of the Presidential Electors and appoint them as the Electors of the State.

Electoral College

The Electors of the State will assemble in their state capital and cast two votes; one for the President and another for the Vice-President.

Then the President and Vice-President will take oath and the Presidential Election will come to an end. With the oath ceremony, the Electors of the State will vacate their constitutional positions.

Before the General Election, projecting any individual as the Next President of United States is unconstitutional and will prejudice the Presidential Electors.

By casting two distinct ballots, the Presidential Electors of the State will elect the President and Vice-President. The self-proclaimed presidential candidates have no constitutional authority to appoint any individual as the Vice-Presidential candidate.

Before the General Election; before the Electoral College, self-promotion of any individual as presidential candidate or vice-presidential candidate is unconstitutional and any such actions will be considered as an insult to the constitutional authority of the Electors of the State.

Considering any individuals for the position of the President and Vice-President is the constitutional authority of the Electors of the State. Media or any other pre-established body cannot project any individual or any pair of individuals as the candidates for the position of the President and Vice-President. Any such action would challenge the authority of the current President and will cause damage to the current Executive Branch.

Projecting any individuals or set of individuals as the future President and Vice-President of United States would challenge the constitutional authority of the entire election process; would challenge the constitutional authority of the State Legislature; would challenge the constitutional authority of the Presidential Electors.

Organizing presidential candidate debates is against the Constitution of United States. Any such propaganda would influence the Electors of the State.


  • Citizens of United States have the rights to elect the Presidential Electors.
  • Presidential Electors of the State would elect the President and the Vice-President by casting distinct vote by ballot
  • No other organizations have any constitutional rights to interfere in the election process.
  • Media and other organizations have no constitutional rights to project or to promote any individual as the potential candidate.
  • Influence; interference; disruption; promotion; projection and other activities will be considered as unconstitutional.
  • Media has no constitutional authority to replace or interpret the Constitution of the United States.
  • Terms like, Winner-take-all; Split-Vote; Running mate; Presidential Debate; third party candidate; Magic Number 270 - all are strictly prohibited.
  • President of United States is a very serious position of Planet Earth; just below the God.
  • Certainly, media cannot commercialize the Presidential Election.
  • It is a serious one; it is George Washington's job.
  • Presidential Election is not a game; it is not about winning or losing; it is not about magic number 270.
  • President of United States is all about leadership; not only to America, but also to the entire Plant Earth.
  • Winning 270 is no good. 
  • Let us not interfere with 538 Presidential Electors. Let us have no doubt on the ability and authority of those 538 Presidential Electors. The 538 Presidential Electors will act with total responsibility and will elect the best for the top level positions in the Executive Branch.
  • The current Executive Branch is still has the constitutional authority and responsibility. Let us not insult the current leadership in front of the whole world. Any insult to any constitutional authority is an insult to the entire, We, The People.   

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