Monday, November 14, 2016

Bernie Sanders & Mike Pence

Just now, Hillary Clinton starts living her life. More than Donald Trump, these men; Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders caused more damage to Hillary. Hillary had gone through lot of sufferings and let us leave Hillary alone. This is the end of Hillary public life and let her enjoy the private life with her family and friends.

Hillary Clinton did win 228 Electoral Votes. That's a big number; let that not go waste.

Hillary Clinton could say: Let me request all those 228 Electors to vote for Bernie Sanders as the President of United States. I wish Bernie, "Good Luck."

Now, it is the responsibility of Bernie Sanders to win the 42 Electors.

Bernie Sanders has always been an independent. Bernie may not have friends on either side; but certainly Bernie doesn't have any enemies. So, Bernie has no hesitation in approaching Paul Ryan.

Here is the deal:

Let Republican Electors vote for Bernie as the President.

No. Let Democrats Electors vote for Mike Pence as the President.

No. Then you be with Donald Trump.

Okay. We will agree to Bernie as the President.
Who will be your Vice President; Tim Kaine?

No. Not Tim. I have nobody in mind.

Then, could we have Mike Pence as the Vice President.

I have no problem with it.
Bernie as the President.
Mike as the Vice President.

Let me check with Mike.

Mike, are you okay with Bernie as the President.

No. God wants me the President.

Then is it a 'No'
Perhaps God wants you be the President in 2020.

That sounds good. Could you confirm it with Bernie.
Bernie has only one term.

All agreed. Bernie Sanders as the President
Mike Pence as the Vice President.

On December 19 election results:
538 Electors vote for Bernie Sanders as the President of United States.
538 Electors vote for Mike Pence as the Vice President of United States.

It is a bi-partisanship White House.
It is United White House.

White House is United.
Senate is United.
Congress is United.
Judicial Branch is United.

One Happy Ending Story!

Donald Trump did mention that he is interested in winning the election; but not sure to serve as the President. Donald Trump did enjoy a week of Presidency. Now it is time for long vacation.

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