Saturday, September 24, 2016

John Chambers


In order to appreciate the reasons for the Electoral College, it is essential to understand its historical context and the problem that the Founding Fathers were trying to solve. They faced the difficult question of how to elect a president in a nation that:
  • was composed of thirteen large and small States jealous of their own rights and powers and suspicious of any central national government
  • contained only 4,000,000 people spread up and down a thousand miles of Atlantic seaboard barely connected by transportation or communication (so that national campaigns were impractical even if they had been thought desirable)
  • believed, under the influence of such British political thinkers as Henry St John Bolingbroke, that political parties were mischievous if not downright evil, and
  • felt that gentlemen should not campaign for public office (The saying was "The office should seek the man, the man should not seek the office.").

How, then, to choose 
a president without political parties, 
without national campaigns, and 
without upsetting the carefully designed balance between the presidency and the Congress on one hand and between the States and the federal government on the other? 

ladies & gentlemen should not campaign for public office

The saying is 
"The office should seek the lady or the man, 
 the lady or the man should not seek the office."

America does have many great leaders.  There is no shortage of leadership in America.
Not only in Silicon Valley, but also in Hollywood and in other places too.

These leaders have demonstrated their leadership qualities and have transformed many human lives.

As it is said, person should NOT seek the office.
So, they never seek the office.

In fact, Winston Churchill didn't seek the Prime Minister position in 1940. But the nation did seek the leadership of Winston Churchill.

Crisis demands Leadership.

Will John Chambers seek the office of the President of the United States of America?


Then, could the office of the President of the United States of America seek John Chambers?

Yes. That is possible.

The Constitution of United States of America is designed for this purpose.

If we, the people adopt and follow the constitution in its words and spirits, then John Chambers could become the President of United States of America.

As per the constitution:

  1. the citizens elect the Presidential Electors in the first phase of the election.
  2. in the second phase, those 538 Presidential Electors will elect John Chambers.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors consider the names of all proven leaders of America.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors evaluate those leaders.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors discuss about the character of integrity of those leaders.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors argue about the leadership qualities of those leaders.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors shortlist the names.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors elect by vote the President of United States of America.
Let those 538 Presidential Electors elect by vote the Vice President of United States of America.

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